Monday, October 10, 2011

Art Off Pike 2011--- the review

--CAUTION--- I ramble in this post..not happy today.

This was my first time at Art Off Pike in Covington. The day started off with a short drive into downtown Covington. We arrived at my booth space, which was occupied with a van being unloaded, I unloaded on the sidewalk waiting for him move....when he was finished we pulled out the tent, started to set up, when in pulls another van......seriously? Are we invisible??? This person felt like she was too good to walk across the lot, like rest of us. She was nasty and rude to me....this is how my day started off, being bullied by my neighbor artist.....nice.

The rest of the day followed suit.....a kid stopped behind my tent to puke..... a bag lady strolled by....Did I mention the alley full of garbage cans behind me????  How could I forget? We enjoyed the wonderful aroma of sewage drain and garbage throughout the day....Yes, I paid to set up here. ugh.

The crowd seemed to be lookers not buyers. The show volunteers were great, the art was really top notch. I wish I could have shopped, but with low sales, that is not an option.  Most of the other artist I spoke with were not happy with the sales. Weather was perfect. It was just one of those shows. Live and learn......(and take notes)

"My Life is a Circus"
12x24 wood

1 comment:

Valerie Johnson said...

Oh my heavens to Betsy...I love, love, love this piece..
It is soooo me and my life...although I would call my life a very peaceful, contentedness (is that even a word?)
life!!! She is so cute I can't quit just staring at her!!!

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